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United States
New York
Christine Skulevold was born in Long Island, but lived most of her life in Orange County, where she currently lives with her husband and 3 daughters. Her outgoing personality and friendly demeanor make her approachable and easy to work with -- whether you’re looking to sell or buy. Her priority is to deliver the best service in a timely manner and to assure every transaction runs smoothly from start to finish. Prior to becoming a real estate salesperson, Christine worked as a Digital Marketing professional with a Fortune 200 company in Manhattan, and more recently, worked as an Estates Paralegal in a local law firm. As a result, not only does she have a great understanding when it comes to digital marketing, but Christine has also gained extensive knowledge in the Estate sector which allows her to help families through the toughest times when having to sell the property of a deceased loved one. Working with Christine in-step with the Corcoran team, is a ideal match of both talent, experience and culture, that will give you the maximum benefit and value, with all of your real estate needs... while making a friend along the way.
Buyers Agent, Listing Agent
Business Type - Select ALL that Apply
Residential Real Estate
License Type
Sales Agent/Associate
Phone Number
License Status
Unresolved or Pending Disputes


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