Mari Takeshita, Your Realtor
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United States
A Realtor in the Denver Metro Area since 1992. I specialize in listings, working with sellers to prepare their homes to sell quickly and for the highest price. I have transacted over 2000 sales for sellers and buyers. I have also completed over 35 fix and flips and I take that experience to each home I list, which allows me to have the vision of what makes a home desirable. I work with many first time and experienced buyers. I use an A-Z buying process as an educational format to prepare buyers prior to previewing homes. Since I have been in the industry for 25 years, I have sold many homes and am very familiar and confident in all areas of the Denver Metro area.
Expanded Service Description

The Denver Metro area has been my HOME since 1991. I presently live in LODO but have lived all around the Metro area. I have been recognized by television's CNTV, 5280 Magazine, Featured in Author Keith Dougherty's book "TOP AGENT-Second Volume, Featured and cover page of "TOP AGENT MAGAZINE", among others.

I am active on "Zillow" and "Trulia" and have 5 STAR REVIEWS through out. I am of Japanese descent, born and raised in the States. My staff and I love what we do and are on the job 24/7. I never feel that I am working; I am just having fun helping buyers and sellers accomplish their goals of selling and purchasing homes. I feel very blessed to work as a Realtor.

Business Type - Select ALL that Apply
Residential Real Estate
Buyers Agent, Listing Agent
License Type
Broker or Broker Associate
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  • Mari Takeshita, Your Realtor
  • Mari Takeshita, Your Realtor


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