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NM Home Deals @ Keller Williams Realty
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United States
New Mexico
I service the ABQ, Rio Rancho, Los Ranchos, Corrales, Los Lunas and part of the East Mountains area.
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Steve is the Team Leader for NM Home Deals @ Keller Williams Realty ABQ. Steve is an active on the Board of Directors at the Greater Albuquerque Association of Realtors and has a passion for giving to his clients, colleagues and community. Steve says, "I love learning and implementing new ideas into my business to grow it and make my systems more efficient, while still providing the highest levels of customer service to my clients." Steve is originally from Staten, Island, New York. He moved to ABQ, NM on April 26th, 2000 and started in Real Estate April 17th, 2006. Over the last 11+ years Steve has developed a strong, referral based business that consistently performs in the top 10% of the Albuquerque Metro Area. Steve says, "For me it's not about being the #1 Realtor in town and having the most sales. It's about building a lasting relationship that will allow the NM Home Deals Team to assist the client and their friends and family for years to come." Please contact Steve today to get started on buying, selling or building your new home.

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Residential Real Estate
Buyers Agent, Listing Agent, Relocation, Foreclosure/Short Sale
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Sales Agent/Associate
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