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United States
Gales Ferry
I have worked in the real estate industry (including 5 years with The Real Estate Book) for more than 20 years in the Southeastern Connecticut area. I am an Accredited Buyers Representative, thoroughly enjoy and excel at working with buyers, particularly first time buyers; have done numerous foreclosure purchases and have assisted many military buyers and sellers with their transitions when moving from one location to another.
Expanded Service Description

I have lived in Southeastern Connecticut for over 35 years and thoroughly celebrate the area and greatly enjoy helping folks transition their lives, whether it be buying or selling a property. I offer personalized service with integrity and expertise; using my knowledge of the area, my experiences in the building trades and knowledge of the buying/selling process. I have been humbled to be chosen by past clients as a Connecticut Five Star Agent for 6 of the last 7 years.

Business Type - Select ALL that Apply
Residential Real Estate
Buyers Agent, Listing Agent, Relocation, Foreclosure/Short Sale
License Type
Sales Agent/Associate
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